NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC]で行われた「オープン・スペース 2013」展でのメディアアートユニットplaplaxの展示《心象自然研究所》のための会場デザインです。
所在地 東京都
アーティスト plaplax
竣工年 2013
撮影 太田拓実
This is an exhibition space design for media art unit plaplax’s exhibition “imaginature laboratory” that was held at the NTT InterCommucation Center’s annual Open Space 2013 exhibition.
Keeping in mind the artist’s request to be able to change the exhibition space four times during the year, We designed a flexible space that can change with the exhibitions.
This shelf reconstructs the contour line, an abstraction of natural terrain. It is not only a physical display fixture, but also a spatial device that gently wraps the space and encompasses the viewer.
Location Tokyo, Japan
Artist plaplax
Completion Year 2013
Photographs Takumi Ota